Internal Serminar - 17.07.2023
DataChildMap: a new beginning
Children, educators, families, and digital platforms. Among them, there exists a turbulent and complex relationship, usually challenging to manage, especially when contextualized in today's society. We live in an era where the continuous extraction of data from the digital environments we frequent, as well as the monopolization of such data by social platforms and apps (used for entertainment purposes or online shopping), shapes our daily life based on the social context in which we find ourselves.
To delve deeper into the specific case of Italy, DataChildMap has been created, a project initiated by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) at the University of Padova. This study aims to provide an analysis of the uses (and misuses) of technologies, addressing privacy concerns, manipulation, and surveillance during the early stages of life.
DataChildMap has specifically created a dedicated website for all stakeholders to stay updated on new information or events related to any findings obtained through the analysis. The site is continually evolving, much like the project itself. To date, it includes some information about the members of the DataChildMap working group (About section), an area where articles related to the project, brief interviews, and excerpts from reports will be published, updates on events or conferences (Activities & News), and finally, a space dedicated to the publication of the key results of the collected data analysis (Results).
An Internal Seminar
Regarding the updates, on July 17, 2023, the working group organized a brief internal seminar to "take stock" and concretely share the progress of the DataChildMap project, collectively defining future steps to pursue.
The meeting included a first part characterized by the presentation of collected data and trends, with a specific focus on the educators' domain. The state of the art of technologies and educational competencies for the 0-6 age group was thoroughly analyzed, encompassing existing theories and policies. Issues related to data extraction in the 0-3 age range for the monetization and profiling of parents' and children's consumption were also discussed: a matter known as "datification." The implications for early childhood education and care systems were deliberated in light of two benchmarking studies and one interview-based study conducted with Italian educators.
Additionally, possible methodologies related to the sociological aspect of the project were discussed, particularly focusing on families' digital media consumption practices. This section of DataChildMap is still in the organizational phase, but many preliminary research efforts are already well advanced, such as a national sample survey on childhood and technologies. The seminar also served as an opportunity to introduce the organizational launch of a ChangeLab, a research and training laboratory designed specifically for educational professionals. It aims to provide a space for reflection on educational documentation intersecting with "smart" technologies that shape business models based on data extraction. At the core is the issue of children's and their families' privacy.
Finally, future steps were agreed upon. Among the significant issues, the centrality of the project's dissemination aspect is certainly highlighted: how to bring DataChildMap to the public's attention? Whom to approach? How to communicate the results effectively? Several projects are in the organizational phase, the workload is substantial, but DataChildMap is heading in the right direction. The collective commitment and passion of the research group will be the reference point for addressing the proposed themes.